
A small exercise for practicing test-driven development (TDD)

MIT LicenseMIT

Roman numerals TDD kata

Test-driven development is a software development process that basically puts writing a failing unit test before modifying your production code. This repository provides scaffolds for various programming languages for hassle-free first steps in the world of TDD by solving a simple task.

The task

Your task is the following: Practicing test-driven development, implement a function that converts Arabic numbers (1-3999) to Roman numerals.

If your memory of Roman numerals is a little foggy, you can head over to wikipedia or refer to this conveniently placed table:

Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands
1 = I 10 = X 100 = C 1000 = M
2 = II 20 = XX 200 = CC 2000 = MM
3 = III 30 = XXX 300 = CCC 3000 = MMM
4 = IV 40 = XL 400 = CD
5 = V 50 = L 500 = D
6 = VI 60 = LX 600 = DC
7 = VII 70 = LXX 700 = DCC
8 = VIII 80 = LXXX 800 = DCCC
9 = IX 90 = XC 900 = CM

You can combine the numbers listed above, ordering larger to smaller numbers left to right. Here are a few examples:

  • 407 = CDVII
  • 2017 = MMXVII

Quickstart with C++

Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the cpp branch:

> git clone https://github.com/blue-yonder/tdd_exercise_roman.git
> cd tdd_exercise_roman
> git checkout cpp
> cat README.md

Quickstart with Python

Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the python branch:

> git clone https://github.com/blue-yonder/tdd_exercise_roman.git
> cd tdd_exercise_roman
> git checkout python
> cat README.md