Turbodbc is a Python module to access relational databases via the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface. The module complies with the Python Database API Specification 2.0.
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Cannot install: missing `simdutf`
#449 opened by avhz - 13
Install/build error on MacOS 13.0.1 in Python 3.8.15 with pyarrow-10.0.1 but pyarrow-9.0.0 works
#370 opened by jmao-denver - 1
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Meson build fails when compiling with pyarrow
#447 opened by adamchen - 0
Segfault in AppendUnicodeStringsToBuilder
#455 opened by gsakkis - 3
I receive the error "cannot find -lturbodbc.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu" when i try to install turbodbc
#450 opened by moschito78 - 0
turbodbc_arrow_support can’t be imported
#443 opened by alippai - 7
Sqlalchemy Turbodbc missing library:
#437 opened by amgcc - 0
Add pyarrow 12.0.0 support
#389 opened by jmao-denver - 1
NumPy 2.0 support
#429 opened by adamchen - 7
4.11.0 Installation error: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'simdutf.h': No such file or directory
#420 opened by Bopsie - 1
Support downloading off git/archive
#425 opened by nopeless - 6
Turbodbc + pyarrow installation issue
#422 opened by zacqed - 0
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How to set pre-connect connection attributes?
#391 opened by sdebruyn - 6
release 4.10.1 broke pip/poetry installation because of missing dependency.
#411 opened by fredrikhgrelland - 1
Can't install `turbodbc` on MacOS using pipenv
#353 opened by KevinEsh - 0
Numpy version issue when installing turbodbc
#418 opened by satishathingz - 3
executemany does not execute sql statement
#403 opened by Takken0 - 0
Does turbodbc still need boost as a dependency?
#402 opened by bgemmill - 6
turbodbc does not play well with poetry
#397 opened by bgemmill - 2
Support pyarrow=14.0.1
#398 opened by rxm7706 - 2
How to deal with Snowflake string length reporting
#395 opened by jonashaag - 0
Using more than 2 threads
#394 opened by jonashaag - 1
Advanced use: Arrow 'double' type as supported dtype -> is not a pyarrow dtype?
#392 opened by ruben-s - 0
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4..5.10 produces ImportError with pyarrow-11.0.0 and Python 3.10 on Linux-x86_64
#384 opened by jmao-denver - 2
Issues Parsing Multiple Result Sets
#385 opened by david-engelmann - 1
Not detecting installed numpy after installing turbodbc 4.5.6 with Python 3.11
#374 opened by swolfe2 - 3
How to use arrow support with pip?
#348 opened by jorgecarleitao - 0
Arrow support doesn't work in 3.10 with pyarrow-9.0.0/10.0.1 on Ubuntu 22.04
#375 opened by jmao-denver - 1
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pip install fails on Python 3.11
#364 opened by swolfe2 - 0
Azure SQL - Fractional second precision exceeds the scale specified in the parameter binding
#373 opened by kmatt - 2
Add support for pyarrow 10.0
#366 opened by david-engelmann - 3
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Earthly testing failing on all combinations
#368 opened by david-engelmann - 9
Failed to Build Turbodbc in Docker with Ubuntu 20.04 + Python 3.8 with Pip
#351 opened by david-engelmann - 1
can support jdbc?
#362 opened by wonb168 - 1
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Add support for pyarrow 8.0
#354 opened by ldacey - 2
Exception / Segfault while using turbodbc
#361 opened by zacqed - 6
Installation stopped working on Ubuntu 20.04
#357 opened by init-skr - 1
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Can't install Turboodbc in docker enviroment
#352 opened by leandro529 - 0
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