
This is a superb Discord Clone developed with React JS and firebase with a lot of cool stuffs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React JS Discord Clone 🦄

This is a superb Discord Clone developed with React JS and firebase with a lot of cool stuffs.

Live Demo of Discord Clone 🔥

Website Up

View the app live, share the happiness https://discord-bysavio.web.app/
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Discord Clone Features 🎮

  • Login System
  • LogOut System
  • Add channels
  • Realtime Chat
  • Scroll to bottom
  • Emoji Chat
  • Good UI

Build 🚀

1. Clone the repo

gh repo clone saviomartin/discord-clone

3. Entering project directory

cd discord-clone/

3. Installing Dependencies

npm install

4. Starting server

npm start

4. Production Build For Deployment

npm run build

Contributing 🤗

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License 🛡️

Discord Clone is licensed under the MIT license. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Developer ⚡

Discord Clone Developer and Maintainer
Follow me on Github and Instagram

Developed with ❤️ In India 🇮🇳
'⭐' this project, if you found it helpful