
A micro web application providing a REST API on top of any relational database, using Silex and Doctrine DBAL

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Marmelab Microrest

Microrest is a Silex provider to setting up a REST API on top of a relational database, based on a YAML (RAML) configuration file.

Check out the launch post.

What is RAML ?

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) is a simple and succinct way of describing practically-RESTful APIs. It encourages reuse, enables discovery and pattern-sharing, and aims for merit-based emergence of best practices.

You can easily set up a RAML file from API Designer.


To install microrest.php library, run the command below and you will get the latest version:

composer require marmelab/microrest "~1.0@dev"

Enable ServiceController, Doctrine and Microrest service providers in your application:

$app->register(new Silex\Provider\ServiceControllerServiceProvider());
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider(), array(
    'db.options' => array(
        'driver'   => 'pdo_sqlite',
        'path'     => __DIR__.'/app.db',
$app->register(new Marmelab\Microrest\MicrorestServiceProvider(), array(
    'microrest.config_file' => __DIR__ . '/api.raml',

You need to give the path to the RAML file describing your API. You can find an example into the tests/fixtures directory.

Then, browse your new API REST on the url defined in the baseUrl configuration of your RAML api file.

Using request parameters

You can specify some get request parameters. For example:

Request param Description Type / Example Default
_start specify start bound of selection number 0
_end specify length of selection number 20
_sort specify key ordering string
_sortDir specify order direction ASC, DESC ASC
_fields specify comma separated set of fields in result set string *
_strongFilter[] specify conjunction filter like a ````id= 8 ANDpost_id` = 2``` as request params array array
_strongFilterIn[] specify IN condition like a ````id` IN (1,2,3)``` array
_searchOr[] specify search disjunction filter like a ````titleLIKE '%foo%' ORpost` LIKE '%bar%'``` array
_searchAnd[] specify search conjunction filter like a ````titleLIKE '%foo%' ANDpost` LIKE '%bar%'``` array
_group set group part string

You can combine one of _strongFilter[], _strongFilterIn[], _searchOr[], _searchAnd[] with _sort, _sortDir, _fields, _start and _end params


You should use only one filer from _strongFilter[], _strongFilterIn[], _searchOr[], _searchAnd[] or you will get an HTTP error 400 Bad request.

Query string examples

Query string Description
/posts?_start=10&_end=15 you will receive a 15 posts from 10 position as result set
/posts?_sort=title&_sortDir=DESC you will receive a list sorted by title descending
/posts?_fields=id,title you will receive a list with id and title field in response
/posts?_strongFilter[id]=8&_strongFilter[title]=foo you will receive a list of items where ````id= 8 ANDtitle` = 'foo'```
/posts?_strongFilterIn[id]=1,2,3 you will receive a list of items with id in list: 1, 2, 3
/posts?_searchOr[title]=foo&_searchOr[body]=bar you will receive a list of items where ````titleLIKE '%foo%' ORbody` LIKE '%bar%'```
/posts?_searchAnd[title]=foo&_searchAnd[body]=bar you will receive a list of items where ````titleLIKE '%foo%' ANDbody` LIKE '%bar%'```
/posts?_group=title should use for request distinct values of column instead
/posts?_searchAnd[title]=foo&_searchOr[body]=bar you will receive HTTP error 400 Bad request


Run the tests suite with the following commands:

make install
make test


You can find a complete demo application in examples/ng-admin. You just need 2 commands to install and run it:

make install-demo
make run-demo

Play with the Silex demo API at the url: http://localhost:8888/api

Explore the API using ng-admin backend administration at the url: http://localhost:8888/admin


microrest.php is licensed under the MIT License, courtesy of marmelab.