This script will allow you to get a list of computer names in your AzureAD or Local AD and compare those to connectors in Cisco's Secure Endpoints.
Download the Windows Executable (Executable built using pyinstaller)
- AzureAD Connect is installed in your environment and you are sync'ing your devices to your AzureAD Tenant. This is if you are pulling device lists from AzureAD else you can pull device lists via on premise AD.
- On premise AD Command is also below. However, you will need to have RSAT Tools installed on your Windows Desktop.
Getting AzureAD List of Machines
- Open a powershell on your Windows 10 workstation and make sure you install the AzureAD module. You will need to run Powershell as an Administrator to install modules.
PS c:\Users\user> Install-Module -name AzureAD
- Authenticate to your AzureAD tenant
PS c:\Users\user> Connect-AzureAD
- Now create a CSV list of computers using the following Powershell command
PS c:\Users\user> Get-AzureADDevice | Select-Object -Property DisplayName | Export-Csv -Path .\computers.csv
Getting local AD list of machines
PS c:\Users\user> Import-Module -name ActiveDirectory
PS c:\Users\user> $cred = Get-Credential
PS c:\Users\user> Get-ADComputer -Filter * -credential $cred | Select-Object -Property Name | Export-Csv -Path .\computers.csv
Run the python script or executable
- Make sure the CSV is in the same directory as the executing script or similarly run the Windows Executable. The client_id and client_secret can be gotten in the AMP console under the API menu drop down. You only need read access for that API key.
amp_ad_hostname.exe <client_id> <client_secret> <csvfile_name>
Sample output
Authors & Maintainers
George Seeto, Chantel Strickland, Dave Schwartzberg
This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License