
An attempt at a CLI music-syncer for Android

Primary LanguagePerl


A home-rolled music-syncing solution for Daniel Renfro's Galaxy S4.


This repository is an amalgamation of code that will read an iTunes XML file, output .m3u playlist files (thanks to Eric Daugherty's iTunes Export code) and copy them intellegently to a different location. When paired with the amazing Droid NAS Android app, this allows you to put music on your phone the way you want. No more having Android File Transfer die mid-transfer or balk at your device, or shell out your hard earned money for a slow, crappy wi-fi syncing program (I'm looking at you AirSync.)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run ./export-playlists.sh to fill the playlists/ directory with .m3u playlist files
    You might need to tweak the settings options, have a look at iTunes Export the documentation
  3. Download and install the Droid NAS Android app on your Android device
    Be sure to set it up appropriately. I created a mount-point for the external SD Card (which happens to found at /storage/extSdCard/ on a Galaxy S4.)
  4. Start Droid NAS on your device and mount it on your computer
  5. Run ./sync.pl, giving it a playlist (--playlist) to copy over and a place to copy stuff to (--location).
    On my MacBook Pro my Galaxy S4's SD Card gets mounted at /Volumes/extSdCard.
    Something like ./sync.pl --playlist ./playlists/PopMusic.m3u --location /Volumes/extSdCard/Music/
  6. Point your favorite media player at the music and enjoy!
    You might need to download and install the Force Media Scan app to refresh Android's internal media database



iTunes Export

Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Eric Daugherty (http://www.ericdaugherty.com) All rights reserved.

Everything else

Apache 2.0