Why another CloudWatch exporter? Mainly 'cause other exporters don't really do auto discovery (requiring you to tag each resource, or to wait for them to support the namespace in the exporter) of available metrics or use the GetMetricData API optimizing costs for API calls.
- Support hot reload of configuration through GET request to
- Walk through past metrics advancing a period on each scrape
- Auto discovery done correctly
- Support to use timestamp annotations (using CloudWatch data point timestamp)
- Custom labels and metrics names
- All configurations formats supported by viper
This project is currently on alpha stage and although we intend to keep the API compatibility, it needs to be tested, documented. Fill an issue if you want to contribute! We're actively working on Prometheus and its ecosystem.
cd cmd/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter && go install
You can run prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter --help
to see the list of all available command args. The configuration to collect metrics is described below:
# If not specified the exporter will use the "--aws-region" configuration
- us-east-1
# Specify the AWS CloudWatch metric namespace, example: "AWS/EC2"
- namespace: CWAgent
# Period to apply to GetMetricData query (seconds, optional, default is 60)
period: 60
# Delay to move back start and end time for GetMetricData query (seconds, optional, default is 600)
delay: 72000
# Which dimensions should the exporter use to get the metrics?
dimensions: [InstanceId, InstanceType, ImageId, cpu]
# Metrics specifications
# CloudWatch metric name
- name: cpu_usage_user
# Which statistic to get metric
statistic: Maximum
# Which unit to get metric
unit: Percent
# What is the name of the metric to be exposed at the metrics endpoint?
promName: cpu_usage_user_maximum
- name: cpu_usage_idle
statistic: Minimum
# Override the default region and the exporter's default regions
regions: [sa-east-1]
unit: Percent
promName: cpu_usage_idle_minimum
# Use the CW timestamp for metric data point? (default is false)
timestamp: true
# Custom labels to add to Prometheus metric (key: value)
account: XYZ
Save the file as config.yml and the automagic happens running:
prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter \
--aws-access-key-id="YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
--aws-secret-access-key="YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
--config "config.yml"
Now open your browser at localhost:9016/metrics.
- Test
- Documentation
- Contributing Guide
- VictoriaMetrics backfill support
- Add GitHub Actions Workflow to build, publish SemVer tags and Docker image
- Support multiple AWS accounts (each metric should support specific AWS credentials?)