
A dependency-free TypeScript library for working with colors

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A tiny color manipulation library for TypeScript.


  • Provide a small fully typed library for manipulating colors in hex, rgb(a) and hsl(a).
  • Provide an object-oriented interface with SCSS-like syntax.
  • Handle conversions between formats automatically.


  1. Install:
npm i @bluefirex/color-ts
  1. Use:
import { Color } from '@bluefirex/color-ts'

const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

console.log(color.cssHSLA, color.cssRGBA, color.cssHex)


Number ranges

  • For RGB, numbers range from 0-255
  • For HSL, numbers range from 0-1

Create for different formats

// Hex

// RGB with alpha of 0.5
	r: 0,
	g: 125,
	b: 255
}, 0.5)

// HSL with alpha of 0.42
    h: 0.5,
    s: 1.0,
    l: 1.0
}, 0.42)

// From CSS-like strings
Color.fromString('rgba(128, 0, 32, 0.2)')
Color.fromString('hsl(42, 13%, 37%)')

Lightness / Darkness

const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

// Lighten/darken like in SCSS (percentage from 0-100)
let darkened = color.darken(24),
    lightened = color.lighten(24)

// Check if color is considered to be a dark color
let isDark = color.isDark()

// Specific lightness
let withLightness = color.withLightness(0.1337)

// Get the brightness as perceived by a human, 0-255
let perceived = color.perceivedBrightness


const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

// Check if color is red or green (signal colors)
let isRed = color.isRedish(),
    isGreen = color.isGreenish()

// Shift hue
let shifted = color.shiftHue(0.125)

// Specific hue
let withHue = color.withHue(0.5)


const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

// Saturate/desaturate like in SCSS (percentage from 0-100)
let saturated = color.saturate(24),
    desaturated = color.desaturate(24)

// Specific saturation
let withSaturation = color.withSaturation(0.2)


const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

// Specific alpha
let withAlpha = color.withAlpha(0.42)


This uses the WCAG standard for contrast calculation. If the contrast value exceeds 4.5 it is considered readable.

const foreground = Color.fromString('#17a'),
    background = Color.fromString('#ffff00')

// Option A:
const resultA = foreground.contrastTo(background)

// Option B:
const resultB = Color.contrast(foreground, background)

Convert into different formats

const color = Color.fromString('#17a')

// Hex without #
const hexClean = color.hex

// Hex for use with CSS (includes #)
const hex = color.cssHex

// RGB(A) for use with CSS
const rgba = color.cssRGBA

// RGB as an object or array
const rgbArray = color.rgbArray,
    rgbString = color.rgbString,
    rgb = color.rgb

// HSL(A) for use with CSS
const hsla = color.cssHSLA

// HSL as an object or array
const hslArray = color.hslArray,
	hsl = color.hsl

// To and from JSON
const json = color.toJSON(),
    restored = Color.fromJSON(json)

Other helpful functions

Mix two colors

const colorA = Color.fromString('#17a'),
    colorB = Color.fromString('#ff0020')

// Option A:
const mixedA = colorA.mixWith(colorB, 25)

// Option B:
const mixedB = Color.mix(colorA, colorB, 25)