Windows System Drive Remapping - Elevation of Privileges

This repository contains the code which reproduces the bug which we reported to Microsoft and which was presented at Ekoparty 2023. The exploit executes a Notepad process running with elevated privileges. It's launched from the ctfmon.exe process.

If the current user is a member of the Administrators group (the default one), the Notepad process should look like this:

Notepad with high privileges

If the current user is a member of the Users group, the Notepad process should look like this:

Notepad with medium privileges

Obtaining Administrator privileges by chaining the attack

For the case where the current user is member of the Administrators group, it's possible to obtain Administrator privileges from the ctfmon process by following the steps described in our Ekoparty 2023 presentation in the exploitation section "The Chain".

Supported OSs

The exploit should work on the latest versions of Windows 10 (22H2) and Windows 11 (22H2/23H2).


Since the exploit creates the relative .\windows\system32 subdirectory, it must be launched from a writable directory.

Building instructions

Using the Visual Studio 64-bit command line compiler, just follow the steps bellow:

For setting the compiler environment

  • Execute vcvars64.bat (batch provided by Visual Studio)

For compiling the exploit:

  • Execute cl.exe exploit.c

For compiling the DLL:

  • Execute cl.exe MsCtfMonitor.c /LD