Carbon Aware Computing PowerShell Cmdlets


A set of PowerShell Cmdlet for carbon awareness in mind. Get the best execution time for a tasks with minimal grid carbon intenity. The best point in time is calculated based on emission forecasts to get a window with a minimal grid carbon intensity. Additinaly get the actual grid carbon intensity.


CarbonAwareComputing.Cmdlets is available via PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name CarbonAwareComputing


Use the Get-CarbonAwareExecutionTime to get a forecast for the best execution time. If no forecast is available the fallback time will use (FallbackExecutionTime-Parameter).

$now = get-date
Get-CarbonAwareExecutionTime -Location de -EarliestExecutionTime $now -LatestExecutionTime ($now).AddHours(10) -EstimatedExecutionDuration "00:10:00" 

Use the Get-GridCarbonIntensity to get the actual grid carbon intensity.

get-GridCarbonIntensity -Location "fr" -Provider OpenData 


CarbonAwareComputing Cmdlets make use of the Carbon Aware SDK a Green Software Foundation Project. There are some extensions to the SDK to use cached offline data sources in our fork.

The emission forecast data are uploaded periodically to a Azure Blob Storage for a given grid region and are public (e.g. for Germany

For the list of supported locations check the Carbon Aware Computing GitHub Repository


For regions currently not supported with open data you may use the build in WattTime client. For that you must provide a valid WattTime Account.

# Forecast for Western Australia

$now = get-date
$userName = Read-Host
$pwd = Read-Host -AsSecureString

Get-CarbonAwareExecutionTime -Location wem -EarliestExecutionTime $now -LatestExecutionTime ($now).AddHours(10) -EstimatedExecutionDuration "00:10:00" -Provider WattTime -WattTimeUsername $userName -WattTimePassword $pwd