
Go Minimal Web Server - GoMWS

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Minimal Web Server - Go MWS - Gomoose

Approximately as basic as it can be while still having enough features to justify making it open source.

Basic use:

Gomoose defaults to serving the working directory. So, to simply serve a directory over HTTP, place the binary in a folder and run it (e.g. ./gomoose). Note: Gomoose will also serve itself.

Running with gomoose -ssl -dir "/path/to/www" with a cert.crt and cert.key in the working directory will enable an HTTPS server.

Running with -ssl -nohttp flags will disable the HTTP server.

Place binary in /usr/local/bin/gomoose to easily serve working directory.

Run with gomoose -help to view all command line options. Examples:

  • gomoose -ssl will enable serving over HTTPS.
  • gomoose -dir "/path/to/dir specifies what directory to serve (defaults to working directory).
  • gomoose -port 8080 specifies port to listen on.

SSL certificate/key bundled for ease of use, but it's probably wise to generate a new one:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout cert.key -x509 -days 36525 -out cert.crt

The binary files with no platform specified (gomoose and gomoose-x86) are Linux binaries. The others were compiled for other platforms from a Linux system, and hopefully work.