
a dreamcast emulator for iOS devices.

dreample - dreamcast emulator for iOS

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We aren't ReiCast, but we are dreample! We won't have a bland menu, we will have a dreamcast themed menu. Our hud will work and our emulator will be playable!, like no other.

We have two people working on this so please be patient, This will take at least two months unless we get more help.

We aren't forking Reicast, we are starting over with the new emulator dreample.


We are Dreample. dream(cast) (ap)ple

how to pronounce dreample > dreamPULL (prounounce it like that.)

Our Links

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T2CRUPPa Our Discord is still in development too!

Read this please.

Dreample is under developement, the emulator might be a bit finicky at first but all projects improve at some time. Currently this project is W.I.P (Work In Progress).