Ty for trying this Forth and if you see any sillyness by me (there will be some :) I am always around somewhere on irc.freenode.net using either 'mark4' or 'I440r' as a nick (I440r is my Ibanez 440 radius Guitar!). I also registered #forth there in 2010/2011 (ish) and there are plenty of other Forth people in there if you can wake them up :) You should note however that this Forth is known to have some issues under certain conditions, none of which seem 'overly' difficult to fix but I just have not been pressed to do so as they do not do not for the most part directly affect me. Firstly, it does not like running inside either a Gnome terminal or a screen session without some help. In both cases the problem is related to terminfo and IMHO the problem is not with my Forth but with their terminals (I might eat those words some day). For example, in a gnome terminal, unlike in every other terminal in existence, color #0 is not black but dark gray. Color 9 (they changed it from color 15!) is black /facepalm. I do not like the idea of having to plug in duct tape code to fix other peoples sillyness so fixing these two issues has not been a high priority for me. If enough people ask me to do so I have no problems fixing them if I can find an elegant way of doing it. Im not 100% certain where all the issues are but I know its terminfo related because typing 'export TERM=xterm' fixes things to where they are usable. To fix black in a gnome terminal you can also do '9 !> black' followed by a 'black >bg' followed by 'clear'. Doing this will make purists cringe however because what you will have just done is modify a constant }:)