Grails spring-security-contactus is a rewrite of
Dependency :
compile ":spring-security-contactus:0.2"
To get it working under grails 2.4 for now you will need to add the following to your BuildConfig.groovy, under plugins:
runtime ":cache-headers:1.1.7"
Tried to follow this page and found I was lost, so I have made a new page explaining from the very start on a 2.4 asset driven site, should be useful for pre 2.4 resources based. More informative than a lot of this here. Grails 2.4 from scratch with spring-security-contactus
install jquery-ui within your project
Then enable both jquery and jquery-ui in your main.gsp
<g:javascript library="jquery"/>
<g:javascript library="jquery-ui"/>
Refer to your contact page via a remotefunction like below:
<!-- added in spring-security-contactus form here as a button for test purposes -->
<button id=boxbtn onclick="<g:remoteFunction controller="ContactUs" action="index" update="siteContent" />">contact</button>
<div id="siteContent"> </div>
Ensure you have enabled and configured all of these values in your config.groovy :'''/contactUs/emailBody'
simpleCaptcha {
// font size used in CAPTCHA images
fontSize = 30
height = 200
width = 200
// number of characters in CAPTCHA text
length = 6
// amount of space between the bottom of the CAPTCHA text and the bottom of the CAPTCHA image
bottomPadding = 16
// distance between the diagonal lines used to obfuscate the text
lineSpacing = 10
// the charcters shown in the CAPTCHA text must be one of the following
grails.plugin.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [
'/': ['permitAll'],
'/index': ['permitAll'],
'/index.gsp': ['permitAll'],
'/**/js/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/css/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/images/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/favicon.ico': ['permitAll'],
'/**/simpleCaptcha/captcha': ['permitAll'],
'/simpleCaptcha/captcha': ['permitAll'],
'/**/contactus/**': ['permitAll'],
'/contactus/**': ['permitAll']
refer to : for a sample site using this plugin
You will need a domain class called ContactUs or whatever you wish it to be called - just ensure the config in the config.grooy table name matches this name: (this is the sample domainClass taken from within the plugin - it uses to generate the form view:) it needs to be identical so far as fields and configuration goes.
package grails.plugins.springsecurity.contactus
class ContactUsMaster {
Date dateCreated
String name
String email
String username
String subject
String message
String captcha
static constraints = {
name(blank: false)
email(blank: false, email: true)
subject(blank: false)
message(minSize: 10, blank: false)
static optionals = [ 'username' ]
static mapping = {
message type: 'text'
username defaultValue: ''
static transients = ['captcha']
static afterContactUs = { form, params ->
new ContactUsMaster(,, username:form.username, subject:form.subject, message:form.message).save()