
A lightweight PHP client to query the Sellsy API V2 (Sellsy API connector)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Sellsy API V2 PHP client

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This package is a PHP client for the Sellsy API. It's a light wrapper around the Guzzle HTTP client. It's designed to be as simple as possible to use, while being robust.

The client only supports the V2 of Sellsy API. If you're looking for a V1 client, checkout TeknooSoftware/sellsy-client instead.

To ensure a consistent data exchange between Sellsy and this client, we're making use of DTO classes to define the structure of the shared entities. Thoses classes are defined in the Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities namespace :

use Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities;
use Bluerock\Sellsy\Api;

# create a new Contact instance using the related DTO
$contact = new Entities\Contact([
    'civility'      => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'Jean',
    'last_name'     => 'MOULIN',
    'email'         => 'user@example.com',
    'website'       => 'example.com',
    'mobile_number' => '0612121212',
    'position'      => 'Directeur',
    'social'        => new Entities\ContactSocials([
        'twitter' => 'https://twitter.com/u/example',

# store the freshly created Contact into Sellsy
$api = new Api\ContactsApi();
$response = $api->store($contact);


This also mean you will get back DTO entities from the Sellsy API when performing GET requests :

$api = new Bluerock\Sellsy\Api\CompaniesApi();

# ... GET single entity
$company = $api->find("123")->entity();

# ... GET collection of entities (index, search..)
$companies = $api->index()->entities();

If you're unfamiliar with DTOs or need some documentation on it, make sure to have a look at the spatie/data-transfer-object package, used by this client.

Please keep in mind that this package is still in development. If you're missing an endpoint implementation, do not hesitate to contribute or open an issue on this repository.



  • PHP >= 7.4
  • Composer

Installation via composer

composer require bluerock/sellsy-client               # latest compatible version 

composer require bluerock/sellsy-client:^1.0          # specific version 
composer require bluerock/sellsy-client:dev-dev-2.x   # development branch 



This package supports the following authentication methods :

  • "Personnal" OAuth client credentials

Before querying Sellsy API, you must provide your credentials using the Config class :

$config = Bluerock\Sellsy\Core\Config::getInstance();

$config->set('client_id', 'f48f0fgm-2703-5689-2005-27403b5adb8d')
      ->set('client_secret', 'av8v94jx0ildsjje50sm9x1hnmjsg27bnqyryc0zgbmtxxmzpjzlw2vnj9aockwe')
      ->set('url', 'https://api.sellsy.com/v2/'): // not required: this is the default value.

Learn more about Sellsy API v2 credentials on the official documentation.

Connect to multiple Sellsy accounts

You can connect to many Sellsy accounts at the same time. You just need to configure each instance, then switch to one or another with Config::switchInstance() (returns a Config object for that specific account)

// Configure the first Sellsy account
    ->set('client_id', 'id-1')
    ->set('client_secret', 'secret1');

// Configure another one
    ->set('client_id', 'id-2')
    ->set('client_secret', 'secret2');

// From now, each request is on the 'other-sellsy' account
// ...

// To switch back to the first account

Querying the API

The basics

Each API domain is represented by a plurialized class (eg: Contacts, Items, Taxes). Each class contains methods used to perform requests agaisn't the domain's endpoints.

The easiest way to start querying the API is by initializing the corresponding class :

use Bluerock\Sellsy\Api\ContactsApi;

$contacts = new ContactsApi();

You may also make use of the Client facade that holds all domains to easily instanciate the corresponding class by calling a method :

use Bluerock\Sellsy\Core\Client;

# via an instance...
$client = new Client();

# ... or statically.


This client is using the Laravel CRUD operations keywords to name methods :

HTTP Operation Client Method Related operation
GET index List resources.
GET show Get a single resource.
POST create Create a single resource.
UPDATE update Update a single resource.
DELETE destroy Delete a single resource.
GET search Search resources.

Any additional method described in the domain's documentation would follow the camel case convention. For example, additional Companies methods would look like this :

Operation Client Method
Get a company address. CompaniesApi::showAddress(...)
Update a company address. CompaniesApi::updateAddress(...)
Link a contact at one company. CompaniesApi::linkContact(...)


When issuing a request, you will get back a Bluerock\Sellsy\Core\Response object holding methods to verify and read the response.

You can inspect the response using any of those methods :

$response->entity();      # Get single resource entity, when available
$response->entities();    # Get resource entities collection, when available (for listing/search)
$response->pagination();  # Get the pagination object, when available
$response->type();        # Returns the type of the data, between "listing" and "single" 
$response->json();        # Get raw json data from response, as an associative array
$response->base();        # Get the underlying \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response object

$response->body(): string;
$response->json(): array|mixed;
$response->status(): int;
$response->ok(): bool;
$response->successful(): bool;
$response->failed(): bool;
$response->serverError(): bool;
$response->clientError(): bool;
$response->header($header): string;
$response->headers(): array;

By default, the Request will throw a RequestException if the request returns an error (status code 4xx —> 5xx). You can easily catch this exception and handle it as you wish :

 * @return \Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\Contact|false
 * @throws \Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException
public function maybeFindMyContact($contact_id)
    try {
        return Bluerock\Sellsy\Core\Client::contacts()
    } catch (\Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException $e) {
        # return false if the contact is not found (404 error).
        if ($e->response->clientError() && $e->response->status() === 404) {
          return false;

        # throw the exception for any other status code.
        throw $e;

Some notes on response & DTOs

To retrieve the DTO entities from the Response, you may call one of entity() and entities() methods :


// Output :
Bluerock\Sellsy\Collections\TaxCollection^ {
  #iterator: ArrayIterator {#5776
    -storage: array:6 [
      0 => Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\Tax^ {
        +id: 4099258
        +rate: 20
        +label: ""
      1 => Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\Tax^ {
        +id: 4099259
        +rate: 10
        +label: ""

If some additionnal entities are embed in the response, they will be automatically parsed into subsequent DTOs.

If you need to read the raw response, it is always possible to use the json() method :


// Output :
array:2 [
  "data" => array:6 [
    0 => array:4 [
      "id" => 4099258
      "is_active" => true
      "rate" => 20
      "label" => ""
    1 => array:4 [
      "id" => 4099259
      "is_active" => true
      "rate" => 10
      "label" => ""
  "pagination" => array:4 [
    "limit" => 100
    "count" => 6
    "total" => 6
    "offset" => "WyI0MDk5MjYzIl0="



Listing a resource, is done by using the index() method, which accept query parameters as only argument.

$contactsApi = new ContactsApi();

$response = $contactsApi->index([
  'limit'  => 10,
  'offset' => 0,
  'embed'  => [

$response->entities();    // The API entities
$response->pagination();  // The pagination DTO


The show method accept the resource id as first parameter and query parameters as second :

$response = $contactsApi->show('123', [
    'embed' => [

$response->entity();    // The API entity

This would return a Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\Contact instance :

Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\Contact^ {
  +id: 12345
  +civility: "ms"
  +first_name: "Amélie"
  +last_name: "PETIT"
  +email: "contact+atest@sellsy.com"
  +website: null
  +phone_number: null
  +mobile_number: null
  +fax_number: null
  +position: "Gérante"
  +birth_date: null
  +avatar: null
  +note: ""
  +social: Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\ContactSocials^ {
    +twitter: null
    +facebook: null
    +linkedin: null
    +viadeo: null
  +sync: Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities\ContactSync^ {
    +mailchimp: true
    +mailjet: true
    +simplemail: true
  +is_archived: false
  +invoicing_address_id: null
  +delivery_address_id: null
  +invoicing_address: null
  +delivery_address: null
  +created: "2022-02-16T15:56:17+01:00"
  +owner: array:2 [
    "id" => 567
    "type" => "staff"


The store method, used to create a resource, expect the entity object as first argument and may have $query parameters as second argument :

use Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities;

$contactsApi->store(new Entities\Contact([
    'civility'      => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'Jean',
    'last_name'     => 'MOULIN',
    'email'         => 'user@example.com',
    'website'       => 'example.com',
    'mobile_number' => '0612121212',
    'position'      => 'Directeur',
    'sync'          => new Entities\ContactSync(),
    'social'        => new Entities\ContactSocials([
        'twitter' => 'https://twitter.com/u/example',

$response->entity();  // The created entity
$response->json();    // The Sellsy response


The update method expect the resource to be updated as first parameter and $query parameters as second argument :

use Bluerock\Sellsy\Entities;

$contactsApi->update(new Entities\Contact([
    'id'         => 35536947,
    'first_name' => 'Jean',
    'last_name'  => 'CASTEX',
    'note'       => '',

$response->entity();  // The updated entity
$response->json();    // The Sellsy response

Here, the "id" parameter is extracted from the given Contact entity.


When deleting a resource, the destroy method should be called. This method only expect the resource id to be deleted :


Developments status

✅ = Fully implemented
🆚 = Partially implemented
🅾️ = Not yet implemented

Category Domain Status
Core Batch 🅾️
Core API Management 🅾️
Core Webhooks 🅾️
Core Listings 🅾️
Core Activities 🅾️
Core Custom Activities 🅾️
Core Files 🅾️
Prospection Companies
Prospection Contacts
Prospection Individuals
Prospection Opportunities 🅾️
Prospection Calendar 🅾️
Prospection Emails 🅾️
Prospection Comments 🅾️
Prospection Tasks 🅾️
Prospection PhoneCalls 🅾️
Prospection CRM Activities 🅾️
Prospection Estimates 🅾️
Catalog Items 🆚️
Catalog Units
Catalog Taxes
Invoicing Accounting 🅾️
Invoicing Rate Categories
Invoicing Purchase (OCR) 🅾️
Invoicing Payments 🅾️
Invoicing Invoices 🆚️
Invoicing Credit Notes 🅾️
Account Currencies 🅾️
Account Custom Fields 🅾️
Account Countries 🅾️
Account Smart Tags 🅾️
Account Documents 🅾️
Account Staffs 🅾️
Account Subscription 🅾️
Account Quotas 🅾️
Account Conformities 🅾️
Account Notifications 🅾️
Account Fiscal Year 🅾️


Feel free to contribute to the package !
If you find any security issue, please contact me at thomas@bluerocktel.com instead of creating a public github issue.

First contribution guide



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.