- Get an OpenShift 4.7+ cluster.
- Install OpenShift Pipelines, OpenShift GitOps and CodeReady Workspaces operators from OperatorHub.
CI is implemented via OpenShift Pipelines. We also use Gogs as Git server for storing source code and Kubernetes manifests controlled by OpenShift GitOps.
oc new-project mlops-ci
oc create -f openshift/tekton/tasks
oc create -f openshift/tekton/pipelines
oc create -f openshift/tekton/triggers
oc create -f openshift/gogs/gogs.yaml
GOGS_HOSTNAME=$(oc get route gogs -o template --template='{{.spec.host}}')
sed "s/@HOSTNAME/$GOGS_HOSTNAME/g" openshift/gogs/gogs-configmap.yaml | oc create -f -
oc rollout status deployment/gogs
oc create -f openshift/gogs/gogs-init-taskrun.yaml
Create a repository on Quay.io and add your credentials to the mlops-ci
project as follow:
- Get credentials
- Login to quay.io in the web user interface and click on your username in the top right corner.
- Select account settings.
- Click the blue hyperlink Generate Encrypted Password.
- Re-enter your password when prompted.
- Copy the password
- Create a Secret with your Quay.io credentials with the encrypted password you copied before:
oc create secret docker-registry quay-secret --docker-server=quay.io --docker-username=<QUAY_USERNAME> --docker-password=<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>
- Link Secret to pipeline Service Account.
NOTE: Pipelines Operator installs by default a pipeline
Service Account in all projects. This service account is used to run non-privileged containers and builds across the cluster.
oc secret link pipeline quay-secret
Give permissions to Argo CD to control cluster:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n openshift-gitops
Install AI Model Application into mlops
project, syncing the Gogs repo:
GOGS_HOSTNAME=$(oc get route gogs -o template --template='{{.spec.host}}')
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blues-man/2021-ai-gitops/main/argo/ai-model.yaml | sed -E 's/repoURL:(.*)/repoURL: https:\/\/'$GOGS_HOSTNAME'\/gogs\/2021-ai-gitops/' | oc apply -f -
Download tkn
CLI or start the pipeline from OpenShift Web Console with these parameters:
- APP_GIT_REPO: Gogs app repo
- APP_GIT_MANIFESTS_EPO: Gogs manifests repo
- workspace: Select PVC, then app-source-pvc
tkn pipeline start ml-pipeline -w name=workspace,claimName=app-source-pvc -p APP_GIT_REPO=https://$GOGS_HOSTNAME/gogs/2021-ai -p APP_GIT_MANIFESTS_REPO=https://$GOGS_HOSTNAME/gogs/2021-ai-gitops --showlog
If you are running on a cluster with CodeReady Workspaces like Developer Sandbox, you can start editing it directly from there.
Run it with Eclipse Che Factories:
NOTE: Change the address of Factory with your CRW URL
make build
make push
oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhdemo/2021-ai/master/install/deployment.yml
oc new-app --template=demo-2021-ai
oc delete template demo-2021-ai
oc delete all -l app=demo-2021-ai
oc delete route demo-2021-ai
▶ oc new-app https://github.com/rhdemo/2021-ai.git -l name=demo-2021-ai --name=demo-2021-ai
▶ oc expose svc/demo-2021-ai -l name=demo-2021-ai
route.route.openshift.io/demo-2021-ai exposed
▶ oc get routes
demo-2021-ai demo-2021-ai-test.apps.rhods-internal.openshiftapps.com demo-2021-ai 8080-tcp None
▶ curl http://demo-2021-ai-test.apps.rhods-internal.ju9j.p1.openshiftapps.com/status
//1 - MISS
//2 - HIT
//-1 - unplayed
▶ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @data.json http://demo-2021-ai-test.apps.rhods-internal.ju9j.p1.openshiftapps.com/prediction
▶ oc start-build demo-2021-ai
▶ oc delete all -l name=demo-2021-ai