Ansible EDA Kubernetes

This example uses Ansible EDA listening for any addition of a ConfigMap on the Kubernetes cluster, and sending an email with the information of the addition. In this case, it’s simple, but it could be for example restarting the Deployment to get the changes into the Pod.


To deploy, first of all create a new namespace named k8seda:

kubectl create namespace k8seda

And move to k8seda namespace:

kubens k8seda

Then, go to kubernetes directory and deploy MailHog mail service:

kubectl apply -f 1-mailhog-deployment.yml

INFO: This yml contains an OpenShift Route to access the service from outside the cluster. In the case of minikube/kind/…​, you can skip that and use any other feature provided to access the service like port-forward.

Finally, deploy the Ansible Eda container:

kubectl apply -f 2-eda-deployment.yml


When everything is up and running, create a new ConfigMap:

kubectl create configmap -n k8seda eda-example --from-literal=message="Kubernetes Meets Event-Driven Ansible"

Now, you can inspect the logs of the Ansible EDA Pod, and you’ll notice that the event has been captured and processed.

Moreover, if you access the MailHog UI (the route points directly to the UI), you’ll enter the Mail console to validate that the email was sent.