
ik analyzer for tantivy

Primary LanguageRustGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

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ik-rs for Tantivy

Usage for Tantivy


tantivy-ik = "0.7.0"
mod tests {
    use ik_rs::core::ik_segmenter::TokenMode;
    use ik_rs::IkTokenizer;
    use tantivy::Index;
    use tantivy::schema::{IndexRecordOption, Schema, TextFieldIndexing, TextOptions};

    fn it_works() {
        let mut schema_builder = Schema::builder();
        let text_field_indexing = TextFieldIndexing::default()
        let text_options = TextOptions::default()
        schema_builder.add_text_field("title", text_options);
        let schema = schema_builder.build();
        let index = Index::create_in_ram(schema.clone());
            .register("ik-index", IkTokenizer::new(TokenMode::INDEX));
            .register("ik-search", IkTokenizer::new(TokenMode::SEARCH));

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