
Minecraft, except triangular

Primary LanguageJava


Minecraft, except triangular

Voxelesque is a game I'm currently working on. The idea is to make a Minecraft clo-- parody,
where the boring cubes are replaced with triangular prisms - instead of having squares as the top faces, they are triangles.

I watched a video (forgot exactly what, probably a cursed PhoenixSC video about hexagonal minecraft),
and one of the comments talked about someone maybe actually making of that.
I was already considering making my own game, and this seemed like a good way to start.
After much thought, I decided that hexagons are not the bestagons in this case, so instead I opted for triangles.

I am currently rewriting the game in C#, because Java kinda sucks in comparison.
Though, Java's documentation and open-sourcing is a lot bettter, but the actual C# language is just SOO much better, both in terms of features and performance.

Check out the planning document
And the Devlogs
Short Casual Devlogs

some short term goals I should achieve before I can call this a "complete game":

  • save games
  • gameplay loop
  • basic biomes
  • flora and fauna

IMPORTANT: This github is outdated. This is more of a proof of concept than an actual game, although you are free to play around with it as you like. I am rewriting the whole thing in C#, taking advantage of features like destructors.
Once I release a video about the C# rewrite, I'll upload it to Github so y'all can take a look at the much better codebase.