*Automatically check youtube channels for live streams.
*Launch the stream with either youtube or streamlink.
*Get notified when streamers go live via desktop notifications.
*Easily take neatclips of live streams.
In order to run it you need java installed:
Java: https://www.java.com/en/download/
For binaries: https://sourceforge.net/projects/youtubelivestreamer/files/YoutubeLiveStreamer.zip/download
Upon being run for the first time it will create a text file 'channels.txt'. Here you will need to add channelIDs of the youtube channel you want to check, ie: Ice Poseidon's channel is : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv9Edl_WbtbPeURPtFDo-uA, we only need: UCv9Edl_WbtbPeURPtFDo-uA
Seperate each channel with a new line.
It will then ask you for a one time authorization to youtube, which is required to make video api requests.
This java program is used to automatically check youtube channels for live streams every 5 minutes. It also has the ability to launch the stream in either Youtube or VLC using streamlink. In order to launch it in Streamlink it is required to have the following installed:
VLC : https://www.videolan.org/vlc/
Streamlink : https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink