Current providers recognise these options: * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.GPSDevice Gypsy provider will use this device name (e.g. "00:02:76:C5:81:BF" or "/dev/pgps") * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.GPSHost Gpsd provider will contact gpsd on this host. Default is NULL (localhost) * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.GPSPort Gpsd provider will contact gpsd on this port. Default is "2947". Provider options can be set with SetOptions-method. Geoclue-master reads options from gconf (/apps/geoclue/master): as an example, the Gypsy device for geoclue master can be set with gconftool-2 \ -t string \ -s /apps/geoclue/master/org.freedesktop.Geoclue.GPSDevice 00:02:76:C5:81:BF