
ZX Gesture Sensor Driver Library for Android Things

Primary LanguageJava

ZX Sensor driver for Android Things

This driver supports ZXSensor peripherals using the I2C and UART protocols.

See the /library module for the implementation

See the /demo module for a working example

How to use the driver

Gradle dependency

To use the zxsensor driver, simply add the line below to your project's build.gradle, where <version> matches the last version of the driver available on jcenter.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.blundell:driver-zxsensor:<version>'

Sample usage

import com.blundell.zxsensor.ZxSensor;
import com.blundell.zxsensor.ZxSensorUart;

// Access the ZXSensor (choose I2C or UART) here we show UART:

ZxSensorUart zxSensorUart;

try {
    zxSensorUart = ZxSensor.Factory.openViaUart(BoardDefaults.getUartPin());
} catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Can't open, did you use the correct pin name?", e);

ZxSensor.SwipeLeftListener swipeLeftListener = new ZxSensor.SwipeLeftListener() {
        public void onSwipeLeft(int speed) {
            Log.d("TUT", "Swipe left detected");

ZxSensor.SwipeRightListener swipeRightListener = new ZxSensor.SwipeRightListener() {
        public void onSwipeRight(int speed) {
            Log.d("TUT", "Swipe right detected");

// Start monitoring:


// Stop monitoring:


// Close the ZXSensor when finished:
