PyChallenge Repo - Angela Yu's Udemy Course

Welcome to the PyChallenge repository! This repository contains solutions and code implementations for the challenges presented in Angela Yu's Python code challenge course on Udemy. The course is designed to help you strengthen your Python skills through a series of daily challenges, gradually building your coding abilities and problem-solving techniques.

Course Details

Course: Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Instructor: Angela Yu

Challenge Overview

In this course, you will find a collection of challenges spanning from Day 1 to Day 100. Each challenge is designed to reinforce concepts taught in the course and to provide you with hands-on coding experience. As you progress through the challenges, you will gain confidence in your coding abilities and develop a deeper understanding of Python programming.

Challenge List

Here's a list of challenges from Day 1 to Day 100. Each challenge includes a brief description of the task. Feel free to explore the respective folders to find the solutions and code implementations for each challenge.

Day 1: Band Name Generator

  • Challenge: Create a program that takes input of user's Pet name and City and generates a Band Name For Them.

Day 2: Tip Calculator

  • Challenge: Calculate the tip for a meal at a restaurant. Prompt the user for the bill amount and calculate a 15% tip.

Day 3: Tresure Island Game

  • Challenge: Take Input From the User To Lead TO The Tresure.

Day 4: Rock paper Scissor Game using random module

  • Challenge: Make A Rock Paper Scissors game using Random Module.

Day 5: Password Generator

  • Challenge: Take Input of no. of charecter Symbols and Number From user And generate A Random Password.

(...the list will be continued for each day up to Day 100)

How to Use This Repository

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the challenge folder for the specific day you're interested in.

  3. Explore the code implementation and solution provided for that challenge.

  4. Feel free to modify the code, experiment, and learn from it. You can also use it as a reference for your own solutions.


Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you've come up with an alternative solution or want to add more context to a challenge, please submit a pull request. Let's learn and grow together!


The solutions provided in this repository are intended for educational purposes. They may not always represent the most optimized or efficient solutions. It's recommended to use them as a learning resource and explore different ways to solve the challenges.

Happy coding and enjoy the Python challenges!