A heterogeneous simulator for availability investigation of RRAM accelerators.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


A heterogeneous simulator for availability investigation of RRAM accelerators.

MNSIM forked from https://github.com/Zhu-Zhenhua/MNSIM_Python

maestro forked from https://github.com/maestro-project/maestro

run DSE

  1. clone the repositories.
git clone https://github.com/blurSong/Mora.git
  1. build maestro following http://maestro.ece.gatech.edu/docs/build/html/getting_started.html
cd maestro
  1. provide original DNN .csv file on the /model folder, the csv index and DF value should be like:
mora_layer_param_dicts = {
    'IC': 'input_channel',
    'OC': 'output_channel',
    'FS': 'feature_size',
    'KS': 'kernel_size',
    'STR': 'stride',
    'TYP': 'layer_type',
    'RP': 'relu_or_relu&pooling',
    'IDX': 'input index',
    'APD': 'appending',
mora_layer_type_dicts = {
    0: "Linear",        # MVM, FC
    1: "CONV",          # convolution
    2: "DWCONV",        # deepwise convolution
    3: "Residual",
    4: "Batchnorm",
    5: "TRCONV",        # transposed convolution
    6: "NGCONV",        # group convolution
    7: "VDP",
    8: "VADD",
    9: "VMUL"
    10: "GEMM" 
}  # DWCONV is DSCONV for maestro
HW variable params:
HW       |  latancy      area      power     energy    |
MNSIM    |  ns           um2       W         nJ        |   ①Tile BW = GB/s      ②Tile nums(1d, of a chip)
maestro  |  cycles/ns    um2       uW        nJ        |   ①NoC BW  = KB/s      ②PE nums                     L2 = Byte
mora     |  ns           um2       W         nJ        |    Top BW = GB/s                                     L2 = MB
Scenario     |  PEs       Tiles                 BW/GB/s       L2(GLB)/MB
embedded     |  1024      12 * 12  1  chip      16            4
edge         |  4096      24 * 24  4  chip      64            8
cloud        |  16384     48 * 48  16 chip      256           16

  1. Edit the hw_config.m to init the DSE
  2. Add the workspace folder to PYTHONPATH and run mora
python mora.py --dataflow DATAFLOW --model MODEL --scenario SCENARIO

How to define model csv

  1. Model csv name: model_mora.csv

  2. Define the layer type TYP using mora_layer_type_dicts

  3. How to fill [IC OC FS KS STR]
    Linear : fill IC OC, keep FS KS STR = 1
    CONV: fill all
    DWCONV : fill all (Do make sure IC = OC)
    Residual : fill IC FS, keep KS OC STR = 1 (OC must be 1 for maestro) (Do note that res layers wonnt be shown in pytorch print models)
    Batchnorm : fill IC OC FS, keep KS STR =1 (Do make sure IC = OC)
    PWCONV : use 1x1 CONV
    TRCONV : fill all
    NGCONV : fill all

  4. How to fill [RP] [IDX] [APD]
    0: this layer has no relu next
    1: this layer has relu but no pooling next
    2 and above: this layer has relu and pooling next, fill in the pooling kernel size
    default and usually -1, i.e. the previous layer. the index is just the layer order in our csv
    for multi-input layers (concat conv, residual, batchnorm, VDP, VADD, GEMM, etc), fill one index in IDX, the other in APD
    linear:0: default (not first fc laye), 1: just the (first fc layer) 2 and above: (first fc layer) pooling kernel size of the pre-appending pooling layer multi-input layers (concat conv, residual, VDP, VADD, VMUL, GEMM, etc): input index 2
    TRCONV: dilation
    NGCONV: group number
    others: default 0

  5. All default blank could be: default value or NaN(blank)

base layer IC OC FS KS STR RP IDX APD Note
Linear [0] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX see 3.[APD]
CONV [1] IC OC FS KS STR RP IDX 0 (default)
-x (input index 2 for concat)
Residual [3] IC 1 FS 1 1 RP IDX input index 2 OC = 1 for maestro
Batchnorm [4] IC OC FS 1 1 RP IDX 0
NGCONV [6] IC OC FS KS STR RP IDX group number
VDP [7] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX input index 2 IC = OC
VADD [8] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX input index 2 IC = OC
VMUL [9] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX input index 2 IC = OC
GEMM [10] M N K 1 1 RP IDX input index 2 MK * KN
------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------
Pooling [0] IC OC FS KS STR RP IDX 0 IC = OC
Softmax1d [1] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX 0 IC = OC
Softmax2d [2] IC OC 1 1 1 RP IDX 0



  1. RRAM对带宽的需求远大于DLA(RRAM变,DLA不变)