
A css3-based Loading, pure js, does not depend on Jquery, is compatible with all browsers that support H5, css and js files are only 5.7KB in total size, support for custom loading colors, mask colors, loading fade and animation times and loading The Applicability is strong, easy to use.(一个基于css3的加载Loading,用于ajax等耗时操作的阻塞。纯js编写,不依赖Jquery,兼容所有支持H5的浏览器,css和js文件总大小仅5.7KB,支持定制Loading颜色,遮罩颜色,Loading淡入淡出动画时长,以及loading的大小。适用性强,使用简单方便)

Primary LanguageCSS


A css3-based Loading, pure js is written, does not depend on Jquery, is compatible with all browsers that support H5, css and js files are only 5.7KB in total size, support for custom loading colors, mask colors, loading fade and animation times and loading The Applicability is strong, easy to use.



View the demo


  1. 引入css:<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/loading.css"/>

  2. 引入js: <script src="js/loading.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

  3. loading向window注册了一个全局对象名:H5_loading。

  4. H5_loading对象拥有两个方法:show()和hide()。

  5. show()接受一个option对象参数,option允许四个子参数:colorloading圆圈的颜色、background遮罩层的颜色、timeout淡入动画时长(s)、scale缩放倍数。

  6. hide()接受一个timeout参数

  7. 使用示例:

  8. introduce css: <link rel =" stylesheet "type =" text / css "href =" css / loading.css "/>

  9. introduce js: <script src =" js / loading.js "type =" text / javascript "charset =" utf-8 "> </ script>

  10. It registers a global object name on the window: H5_loading.

  11. The H5_loading object has two methods: show () and hide ().

  12. show () accept an object parameter that allows four subparameters: color - loading circle color, background - mask layer color, timeout - fade in animation time (s), scale - zoom factor.

  13. hide () accepts a timeout parameter

  14. Use example:

    H5_loading.show();    //默认配置显示loding

    H5_loading.show({color:"#666",background:"rgba(0,0,0.5)",timeout:0.5,scale:0.5});    //配置参数显示,允许只配置需要修改的参数 0.5倍缩放原来的loading

    H5_loading.hide();     //默认配置隐藏loading

    H5_loading.hide(0.5);  //隐藏loading的淡出动画时长修正为0.5s
  1. 配合ajax使用:
