
Documentation of my 8-bit computer build


This is my 8-bit computer. Based on a project by Ben Eater.

Image of computer

See the computer in action:

YouTube video of computer

See 8-bit-computer-emulator for a version of this computer implemented in software. See 8-bit-computer-eeprom for code for generating microcode for the EEPROMs.


  • programs is a folder with code for some example programs, with videos and description of how they work.
  • hardware.md describes the hardware with a summary of how it works.
  • instruction_set.md describes the supported instructions.
  • control_lines.md describes the different control lines.
  • instruction_decoding.md contains the lookup table used by the instruction decoder, and a short description of how it works.
  • issues.md describes a list of the issues I had with getting the computer to work reliably, and what I did to fix them.
