
Sends all windows notifications to XSOverlay

Primary LanguageRust

XSOverlay Notifier

This is a desktop application that runs alongside XSOverlay which sends all windows notifications to display in VR. This uses the Windows Notification Listener API to listen for notifications.

One-liner to install and get it running:

Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runas -ArgumentList '-Command iex ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString((iwr -UseBasicParsing -Uri https://github.com/bluskript/xsoverlay-notifier/releases/download/latest/install.ps1).Content))'

If you want to launch the notifier any time in the future, this adds an item to the Windows start menu as well so you should launch it from there.


Settings for the notifier are stored in %APPDATA%\blusk\xsoverlay_notifier\config\config.toml. Here is some brief documentation on each option in the config:

# Port that xsoverlay is listening on
port = 42069
# The hostname that xsoverlay is listening on
host = "localhost"
# The notification strategy - either "listener" or "polling"
notification_strategy = "polling"
# The rate at which the polling strategy refreshes notifications
polling_rate = 250
# The duration the notification shows up on screen
timeout = 2