
[Feel free to adopt/fork this repo!] Experimental Rust bindings for BLIS

Primary LanguageRust

BLIS is a blas-like basic linear algebra package.

Configuration Caveats

This is a very experimental version and the bindings are extremely incomplete.

In fact, only sgemm and dgemm have real bindings.

  • Uses configuration auto from BLIS's configure script, which will try to pick the applicable microarchtechture
  • Always uses pthreads.
  • Compiler flags are set to optimization, but not tuned
  • BLIS is far from complete, unimplemented microkernels fall back to the reference implementation.
  • BLIS API Quick Reference
  • MUST CALL bli_init() before any linear algebra functions are called. bli_init() is thread safe and only does actual work once.
  • Help is needed to support Windows

Crate Feature Flags

  • system
    • Just emit that we should link to system dylib libblis.so, don't compile
  • ccache
    • Use ccache gcc as the compiler. This caches compilation between crates and debug/release, if you have ccache.