
wierd and overall abonded webistes i have come across, whenever i am reading trough this all, the internet seems, lonely, and kinda like dying. Do not really know. Yeah i know there are spelling issues, ion care


hello future me!! i found some wierd and overall lonely webistes, to explain it, its like a feeling when youre around a popular place, but there is no one there, only you roaming a city alone. Not even a beep or a sound, quiet everywhere.

http://www.irc.org/history_docs/tao.html http://c2.asia.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/sfw.c2.com/wiki-is-not-wikipedia http://wiki.c2.com/?WelcomeVisitors http://wiki.c2.com/?HumourWiki

c2wiki from what i have gathered, is a wiki, but last time someone was there, was back in 2014 or 2015. Emailed some guy and waiting for a response.

http://www.veryfunny.dk/pomp/ wierd site owned by a guy, seems unfhinished, but i cant get this lonely feeling out of my head, someone was here way before me, kinda, freaky to think about it. http://munx.de/news/news-archive-6-2003.html this wierd anime-wiki site. And again, seems lonely, unfinished, wondering how these sites are still up, creepy none the less. And as i am looking at it last edit was in 2003! that is creepy, crazy

http://www.ircnet.info/servers the whole irc net stuff. Joined this chat once in 2020 december with people actually in it, talking about generaly everything. obscure man!!!

http://www.irc.org/history_docs/TheGreatSplit.html i want to read it, but i dont really want to hihi, if you have time be sure to read thoru this guys history about irc.

And thats jus tabout it, wierd abonded websites, the same feeling seeing abonded houses in the forest, to think someone builded this, then just left it to die. I want to rebuild it, but afraid to abonded it again. So creepy