
An awesome Page Flip component done in Flex.

Primary LanguageActionScript


For demos / implementations, look at this repo: http://github.com/blvz/FlexBook-demos-bundle

Release Notes

  • Fixed the 'sticky-page' bug;
  • Added the jumptoPage method. It's similar to the gotoPage method, but it won't do a lot of flips to reach some page;
  • Fixed the bug that, when adding a Page dynamically, the Page didn't show fold gradients;
  • Fixed the "RangeError #2006" bug, when a Book was instantiated without any children;
  • Now jumptoPage is jumpToPage;
  • Fixed the jumpToPage bug. The changes on the jumpToPage method make it feel more natural.

Known Issues / Bugs

  • For Book instances, height values greater than the height of the content may slow down the application;
  • ScrollPolicies for Page instances are disabled (the properties have been overridden and are idle in the Page class). When a Page instance is not being flipped, its fold-gradient is drawn upon a Shape instance stored within that Page its rawChildren. When scrollbars are displayed, the Shape instance will no longer be in place;


  • Ruben Swieringa For making this awesome component and releasing it to the public.
  • Didier Brun For making his pageflip rendering class (com.foxaweb.pageflip.PageFlip) Site: http://www.foxaweb.com
  • Thomas Pfeiffer (aka Kiroukou) For letting Ruben Swieringa use his distortion class (org.flashsandy.display.DistortImage) Site: http://www.flashsandy.org
  • the Factor.e For allowing Ruben Swieringa to publish the demo and the source-code. Site: http://www.tfe.nl
  • Maikel Sibbald For helping Ruben Swieringa with (among a lot of things) thinking out the structure of this component. He also made a usage-example of Didier's pageflip class http://labs.flexcoders.nl/?p=33 which he used as reference in the early days of the Book class. Site: http://labs.flexcoders.nl
  • Theo Aartsma (aka Sumeco) For letting Ruben Swieringa use his artwork in the Book demo. Site: http://www.sumeco.net


This class is part of the Book component, which is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution 3.0 Unported.