Exemple of a generic django deployment with salt/makina-states
USE/Install With makina-states
Iniatilise on the target platform the project if it is not already done:
salt mc_project.init_project name=<foo>
Keep under the hood both remotes (pillar & project).
Clone the project pillar remote inside your project top directory
Add/Relace your salt deployment code inside .salt inside your repository.
Add the project remote
replace remotenickname with a sensible name (eg: prod):
replace the_project_remote_given_in_init with the real url
Run the following commands:
git remote add <remotenickname> <the_project_remote_given_in_init> git fetch --all
Each time you need to deploy from your computer, run:
cd pillar git push [--force] <remotenickname> <yourlocalbranch(eg: master,prod,whatever)>:master cd .. git push [--force] <remotenickname> <yourlocalbranch(eg: master,prod,whatever)>:master
- The distant branch is always master*
- If you force the push, the local working copy of the remote deployed site will be resetted to the TIP changeset your are pushing.
If you want to install locally on the remote computer, or test it locally and do not want to run the full deployement procedure, when you are on a shell (connected via ssh on the remote computer or locally on your box), run:
salt mc_project.deploy only=install,fixperms
You can also run just specific step(s):
salt mc_project.deploy only=install,fixperms only_steps=000_whatever salt mc_project.deploy only=install,fixperms only_steps=000_whatever,001_else
If you want to commit in prod and then push back from the remote computer, remember to push on the right branch, eg:
git remote add github https://github.com/orga/repo.git git fetch --all git push github master:prod