safari-cookies demo

Demonstrates Safari SameSite=Lax cookie behaviour difference on local subdomains from chrome, firefox.


Make the subdomains resolve correctly:

sudo echo ' safaridemo.local' >> /etc/hosts
sudo echo ' app.safaridemo.local' >> /etc/hosts

Install dependencies:

virtualenv -p python3 .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start dev server:

FLASK_APP=src/main flask run

Open browser to http://safaridemo.local:5000. Open dev console.

Click login link. This returns a 302 redirect to a subdomain, plus sets a cookie.

See a session ID printed out.

Click Send fetch(). Look in console.

  • If SAME_SITE param is 'Lax', then Safari should console.log fetch ok along with the session ID.
  • If SAME_SITE param is None, then Safari should console.log fetch ok along with a null session.
  • In either case, Chrome and Firefox should show the session id.