
school arduino hardware project

Primary LanguageC++


SIA = Schüler-Ingenieur-Akademie

SIA is a project where students in 11th class get an insight into the work of engeneers. Multiple groups of 4 students compete to create the best design for the given challenge. They each are supported by a company through their workshop and expertise.

Our project was detecting wooden blocks by color and then sorting them with a crane-like structure.

We used an arduino, TCS3200 color sensor, tb6600 stepper motor drivers, two 16Ncm Nema 17 stepper motors, 1.26Nm Nema 23 stepper motor, 24V 6A power supply as well as custom 3d printed elements


this repo holds 3 projects:

  • calibrate: detect colors and average the measurements from the color sensor
  • sort: sort and detect the blocks them with the color sensor
  • fakesort: since the color sensor didn't work reliable, with this version you manualy input the colors


kran kloetze greifer
our crane for moving and detecting the blocks the blocks claw mechanism (v1, v2)