
A simple app that implements websocket using socket.io to handle event reminders.

Users can create event reminders in the app, and have all open connections notified at the specified time.

The app cleans its past events each day at 12 am (server time) and also during start.

Running the app:

First install the app's dependencies running $ npm i, then:

$ npm run compile
$ npm start

Test with jest:

Travis CI runs $ npm test after $ npm install, so it's reserved to transpile .ts to .js. Instead, run:

$ npm run jest

Deploy with Travis:

Create HEROKU_APP_NAME env. variable on Travis CI. Run command $ heroku apps:info to get app's name.

Then, run $ travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key to get deploy.apy_key.secure added to the .travis.yml file.

Finally, run:

$ npm run deploy