
A micro BizTalk Server monitoring service

Primary LanguageC#

BizTalk 180

A simpler and better 360, re-imagined as a small Windows Service.

Boilerplate windows service based on https://github.com/HarpyWar/windows-service-template, which includes:

  • The ability to run your program in both console or service mode
  • Self installer/uninstaller using command line args /install and /uninstall (shorten /i and /u)
  • Formo for easy reading App.settings properties
  • NLog for logging

Developer notes

Service.cs is the windows service (ServiceBase) entry point and hooks usual events such as Start, Stop and Shutdown.

BizTalkMonitorService.cs runs on a separate thread, and is responsible for monitoring BizTalk Server things.

In the Installer.cs you can handle Before and After installation events.

In the AppSettings.cs you can define own properties that should conform to properties in App.config of section appSettings.

Define Logger variable in each class where you need logging. It's needed to keep correct caller class name in each log line:

private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

Then use Logger.Debug(), Logger.Info(), Logger.Error(), etc.

I added OutputDebugString as a log output so we can use DebugView (available in C:\Tools).


Administrator privileges are required to install/uninstall a service. UAC execution level of the application is defined in app.manifest. Switch comment block there if you need to disable required administrator rights.

<!--<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />-->
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

By default a service will be installed under account LocalSystem. You can change it in Installer.cs (serviceProcessInstaller1.Account property from a designer or in code).

Before install/uninstall you can change DisplayName, ServiceName and Description in Installer.cs.

The ServiceName cannot be null or have zero length. Its maximum size is 256 characters. It also cannot contain forward or backward slashes, '/' or '', or characters from the ASCII character set with value less than decimal value 32.