
chatbot from scratch using python3, mongDB, bootstrap, CSS, Jquerry and django

Primary LanguagePython

chatbot for e-Commerce using django

This repo provide a clean implementation of chatbot using django and web stuff and using all the best practices. This chatbot could be used for online ecommerce website(specially for iphone, samsung and redmi phone). This is just prototype. you can contribute and fork it to change as you want.

Key Features

  • TensorFlow 1.x downloaded with pre-trained model
  • Django framework
  • Jquery used
  • bootstrap used
  • CSS used
  • Pymongo for ubuntu 18.04
  • GPU accelerated, but not necessary
  • MIT License




you should have pip installed on your machine. To do so, the guide is : HERE

pip install -r requirements.txt

You should have a virtual environment installed on your machine.

# random generation of data on mongo Batabase.
cd chatbot_app
python test.py
add 'sudo service mongod start' on .bashrc or 'service mongod start' to avoid password on bashrc file. :)

migrtion of database

# python3
python manages.py makemigrations chatbot_app
python manages.py makemigrations chatbot_app
python manages.py runserver