Provides an Active Directory in a dedicated VPC that you can then peer with and consume.
- Automatically comes up in all the availability zones in your given region
- Requires bare minimum ceremony of configuration to use
- Provides an Ad Writer IAM Role which can be assigned to your AD manager instances
- Sets up DHCP options on supplied VPCs
- Encrypt the AD password with KMS
module "ad" {
source = ""
peer_with = [
peer_count = 2
subnets = [
subnet_count = 2
Domain = {
address = ""
directoryOU = "OU=mydomain,DC=mydomain,DC=com"
resource "aws_instance" "ad_writer" {
iam_instance_profile = "${}"
resource "aws_ssm_association" "win" {
name = "${}"
instance_id = "${}"
New windows instances can be simply assigned the iam_instance_profile
and it'll 'just work'.
For existing or linux you should login to an AD Writer instance and make a user with delegated permissions to.
For implementation see the ec2 instances in the explorative demo that preceeded this module where I hacked some instances to auto join by provisioning them with some user_data. Be warned though, adding even a restriced AD account password here is a really bad idea.
echo -n 'Sup3rS3cret' > plaintext-password
aws kms encrypt \
--key-id YOUR_KEY_ID \
--plaintext fileb://plaintext-password \
--encryption-context terraform=active_directory \
--output text --query CiphertextBlob
data "aws_kms_secret" "ad_admin_password" {
secret {
name = "pass"
payload = "AQECA......P8dPp28OoAQ=="
context {
terraform = "active_directory"
module "ad" {
AdminPassword = "${data.aws_kms_secret.ad_admin_password.pass}"
This module is based off the explorative work done in the dq-tf-ad-demo repository.
Pull requests welcome!