npm vs npx


npm is local, npx is executing

sudo npm install -g cowsay (cowsay is a simple executable "cowsay")

npm list cowsay is empty, because we installed it globally

npm list -g cowsay and we'll see it, because it's global

npm uninstall -g cowsay to uninstall

To run this in the package (not globally), we need to install it without the -g npm install cowsay

Now it is in our package.json file. But we need to add the script to the package.json file. The full file:

  "scripts": {
    "say": "cowsay"
  "dependencies": {
    "cowsay": "^1.5.0"

We can uninstall with npm uninstall cowsay (or just delete all the package and node files).


npx will directly install all the files, and executes it immediately

npx cowsay hello will download, execute, and delete immediately. This prevents clogging the disk for one-time uses.

Thus, when we run npx create-react-app monsters-rolodex, we're downloading a bunch of temporary stuff we don't need and will get deleted when we're done with it.