
A Spotify powered music attribute visualization tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Git for a Spotify powered artist visualization tool

It's a work in progress

I've had a pretty busy schedule and development is in batches. I have lots of ideas and visions for what this can be, but it will take a while to make happen.


  • song page shows all song attributes (a la https://musicaldata.com/)

    • display Spotify player for song, link to its album/other songs in album
  • album page shows interactive graph plotting tracks vs. attributes (multi-line chart)

    • ability to filter in/out as many attributes as possible, and possibly download chart as image
    • clicking track takes you to song page
    • display Spotify player for album, link to artist
  • artist page shows interactive graph plotting albums (or year) vs. attributes (multi-line chart, album values are averages of the tracks on the album)

    • ability to exclude singles, eps, or even specific albums
    • clicking album takes you to album page
    • display Spotify player for artist top songs, links to related artists
  • playlist page shows interactive graph plotting tracks vs. attributes (multi-line chart)

    • click on playlist owner to view other playlists?
  • cleaner search page, more mobile friendly

    • ability to search for own playlists/saved songs/albums
    • more search options
      • type: song, single, ep, album, artist, playlist
      • search term: Regex, quotes, negation '-'
      • user
      • mimic spotify search to an extent
  • check security, esp. in url parameters

  • more responsive (for mobile visitors)

  • cleaner UI, maybe new color palette -> maybe colors match album cover colors (option)