Copy of web dev group project


  • @fennifith: fennifith James Fenn
  • @bmajeed: Bader Abdulmajeed
  • @jth79 Jason Henriquez
  • @jyenriquez Jacob Enriquez

Local Development

You should have Python 3 and venv installed.

This project contains a Makefile to simplify the installation/debugging process. make install will set up dependencies; make start will run the project as a local server; make clean will remove all generated files.

Otherwise, to perform this process manually:

  • run python3 -m venv venv to create a virtual environment
  • activate venv by running venv/bin/activate
  • install the python dependencies: pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt
  • start the flask app: FLASK_APP=main FLASK_ENV=development flask run

Google Cloud Access

If running locally (e.g. for debugging), the project needs access to the Google Cloud project through a service account:

  • install the Google Cloud SDK
  • run gcloud iam service-accounts keys create service-acct-keys.json --iam-account (should create a JSON file in the project dir)
  • either start the server with make or set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=service-acct-keys.json environment variable

Project Description

Our social media application “Acufuncture” will enable users to poke each other as the sole means of intercommunication. Users may set up an account with a distinctive username, search the usernames of individuals they wish to interact with, and poke them as many times as they are able. The application will utilize the federated server-to-server API provided by ActivityPub in order to search for other users, view their information (e.g., display name, bio, how many times they have been poked), and poke them. Users of other ActivityPub-implementing websites, such as Mastodon, will be able to follow and poke our users in a similar fashion.

Minimum Viable Product

  • Barebones web interface
  • Account system with your unique username, changeable display name & bio, and poke count
  • Verbatim username search
  • Accurate retrievable account information for every successful username search
  • Ability to poke that user
  • Friends list of your mutually poked users
  • Signup and login pages

Milestone 1 goals (Week 8)

  • Design a website interface mockup
  • Write HTML boilerplate for different web pages (without most functionality)
    • Search feature: A search bar at the top of each page and a list of your previous searches
    • Account tab: A web page displaying your username, display name, bio, and poke counter (i.e., a counter of how many times the user has been poked by all users)
    • Friends List tab: A web page displaying list of your mutually poked users
    • Login & Sign Up forms (non-functional)
  • Write CSS stylesheets to implement mockup design

Milestone 2 goals (Week 11)

  • Implement tab web page functionality
    • Search feature: Exact username match in search bar correctly displays the account page of the corresponding user (if one exists). The page correctly displays your previous searches
    • Account tab: You can change their display name & bio, and a functional poke counter.
  • Create signup page and implement functionality
    • You set your email, username, & password for a new account, and then prompted to set up your display name & bio
      • Uniqueness check for username, password hashing
  • Implement Friends List tab functionality
    • Correctly displays mutually poked users
    • Possibly implemented using ActivityPub “Follow” activity

Milestone 3 goals (Week 15)

  • Implement login and signup functionality
    • You input your username and password to access your existing account
  • Limited ActivityPub integration:
  • Poke suggestion list
  • More refined search details (partial name search, etc.)


ActivityPub specification

Flask-based ActivityPub server

Guide for new ActivityPub implementers

The Flask Mega-Tutorial Part II: Templates