- Learn how to set up your machine for local development
- Understand the extension framework and build your first extension
- Learn about configuration and the implementer tools for MFs
Build a navigation link to go to the home page and attach it to the nav-meu slot
- NodeJS and NPM : https://nodejs.org/en/
- n (node version manager) :
npm install -g n
see https://www.npmjs.com/package/n - Visual Code Studio : https://code.visualstudio.com/
Fork/clone this repo
cd into the cloned directory
In your terminal, install the npm modules:
npm install
- make sure you are using a relatively recent version of node, LTE is 14.x.x, you can type node -version to find your current version. I would recommend using n to manage your node version: see https://www.npmjs.com/package/n
- make sure you have a .gitignore file which includes node_modules
npm update
to get updates -
npm run start -- --importmap="https://spa-modules.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/import-map.json"
to start the development environment. This will do two things: 1) start a local app shell; 2) serve your repo locally and add it to the import-map of your local app shell. Note that we are explicitly telling the app-shell to use the latest import-map on digital ocean. We are ONLY doing this now because we have made changes to a few modules which have not been released yet on npm.
As an alternative to local development, one could also use https://openmrs-spa.org directly. Instead of the above npm command, you would run: npm run debug -- --https
. This would serve the module locally (likley at port 8080 but check your terminal output). You could then add this module to your import-map via the dev tools widget. To enable this widget, enter your browser console and type localstorage.setItem("openmrs:devtools",true)
. You should now see a small gray box in the bottom right of the browser window. Click on it. Click on "Add new module". For the module name, type "@openmrs/esm-foo-ext-app", for the Override URL type in 8080 (or the port assigned as indicated in your terminal). Refresh your browser and you now have this module loaded in your app.