##Build Status
Tools for setting up arbitrary (currently non-water) solute-solvent mixtures for simulation in GROMACS or AMBER formats.
At this point what's here consists primarily of solvationtoolkit.solvated_mixtures
which sets up a class structure to use openmoltools (and related utilities) to automatically set up simulations of mixtures of solvents/solutes, and scripts/start.py
which gives an example driver script using this to set up simulations of several mixtures. Automated testing is also implemented.
- Auto-installable:
- openmoltools v0.6.5 or later
- mdtraj (via omnia channel on conda)
- OpenEye tools
- packmol (via omnia channel on conda)
- ParmEd
- See issue tracker
- This code is currently in approximately beta release status. Use at your own risk. We will almost certainly be making changes to the API in the near future.