
API for Sqlalchemy and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguagePython


  • Easily leverage this repo for any application that needs to take data in a database and display front end graphs or expose Restful API endpoints
  • Leverages SQLAlchemy
  • Meat of code is in db_helper.py


  • Search (fuzzy, regex, etc.), filter, sort, limit, group by, distinct queries in SQLalchemy that is exposed through an API. The data can be stored and searched in indexed columns or columns with JSONB stored
  • Can return the data as a JSON, Datatables, ChartJS and/or Python object for either querying or displaying data in graphs


  • For searching on indexed columns, any complex queries return very quickly
  • For JSON columns, I have tested on a table with 500,000 records and queries returned in about a second


(GET) Can send queries in the URI (note there is a limit of the length)
curl -XGET http://localhost/api/raw/backup/testtable?filter=id,eq,5
(POST) Can send queries in the body for longer and more complex queries and no URI limit
import requests,json

#// Set Up Query
#// Any `subkey` array that is empty will mean that the field is not stored with a JSONB type
payload = {"query": {
         "or_": [
            {"column":"id","subkeys":[],"op":"eq","value":172}, #// Not searching JSONB field (subkeys empty)
         "not_": [

#// Send request to the server
r = requests.get("http://localhost/api/raw/backup/testtable",json=payload)

#// Print out the data
print json.dumps(data,indent=4)
Extended Usage
    .Description: Helper function to generate queries in sqlalchemy
        query = DynamicQuery(
            model_class="Users", --> databaseClass (M)
            request_args=[], --> parse request.args for parameters (from a uri string)
            filter=[("id", 'eq', 1),("datatype", 'eq', "path"),("date_added","gt","2018-05-10 02:05:57.1913")], --> filter to apply
            groupby=[("datatype","count"),("datavalue","group")], --> groupby fields
            getfirst=False, --> return the first record, a lot faster than sorting and limiting on large datasets
            getcount=False, --> return the count record
            as_query=False, --> return the raw query
            as_object=False, --> return the results as an object
            as_datatables=False, --> return the results in datatables form
            as_chartjs=False, --> return the results in chartjs form (requires groupby parameter)
            as_json=False, --> return the results as JSON            
            as_schema=False, --> return the schema of a table
            crud=action, --> perform CRUD ops
            data=data, --> data to be used for CRUD (dictionary required, collect with: "data=request.get_json(silent=True)" )
            qjson=data, --> send a query formatted as json (dictionary required, collect with: "qjson=request.get_json(silent=True)" ) # BETA
            inc_fields=["username","id"], --> fields to include in the response
            exc_fields=["password"], --> fields to exclude in the response
            limit=5 --> limit the results
Next Steps
  • Post code of JQuery / JS frontend code that can query the backend API and display graphs
  • Include server (Flask) code examples
  • Possibly integrate with Elasticsearch for even more advanced querying
  • Include documentation on usage