
A dockerized instance of code-server with letsencrypt and ssl nginx proxy

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Code Server + Letsencrypt

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/bmartel/docker-code-server.git && cd docker-code-server

Environment file

cp .env.example .env

Modify the env vars, specifying your letsencrypt email EMAIL, letsencrypt domain URL, dns validation provider DNSPLUGIN, and the password PASSWORD you want to use for the code-server instance.

Dns config file

cp config/dns-conf/cloudflare.ini.sample config/dns-conf/cloudlare.ini

Update the details of the ini file you choose, ensure it matches your dns validation provider chosen and contains valid credentials.

Dns record

On your chosen dns provider, add an A record pointing to a subdomain you want to expose the code-server service on and set it to the ip of the server you will be running the service.

A ide.your.domain

Proxy config file

cp config/nginx/proxy-confs/code-server.subdomain.conf.sample config/nginx/proxy-confs/code-server.subdomain.conf

Update the server_name to match whatever A record you have registered on your chosen dns provider.

Bring up the services

docker-compose up -d