
jQuery + Module Pattern with Inheritance

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module Pattern with Inheritance

What is it?

So what does Module Pattern with Inheritance even mean? On a recent project for Sports Illustrated we were looking for a way to handle a lot of moving parts in our JavaScript application. Different solutions came to mind such as BackBone.js and Angular.js but those solutions ended up not being flexible enough for what we needed. With this solution we were able to tap into jQuery's custom event system to control the flow of the program and execute state changes and actions across all classes. Combining this with Douglas Crockford's Module Pattern and templating (Mustache.js) we've been able to create some very maintainable code.


This file is a template for what each module should look like. This file is heavily commented and will give recommendations for how to write each new module.


To create a private function, first declare it with all your other variables. Then:

	myPrivateFunction = function () {
		// do some stuff, privately
	}; // don't forget the semicolon!

To create a public function that overwrites inheritance from other modules:

	module.currentNameSpace.myFunctionCannotBeOverwritten = function () {
		// do some stuff, publicly
	}; // don't forget the semicolon!

To create a public function that can be overwritten by other modules:

	module.currentNameSpace.maybeOverwriteMe = module.currentNameSpace.maybeOverwriteMe || function () {
		// do some stuff, publicly (maybe)
	}; // don't forget the semicolon!


  1. Requires jQuery 1.7 newer
  2. Requires Mustache.js