
is this portable to Linux?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to port this awesome app to linux?

Yea you can already try it out on linux. I've tested on ubuntu. Although there were a few quirks to get it to install. you might get an error like:

Failed to require LevelDOWN (Module version mismatch. Expected 47, got 48.). Try `npm install leveldown` if it's missing ...

Which may happen if you have a different version of node than the one the leveldown module was built with. I that case you need to rebuild it:

cd node_modules/leveldown
node-gyp node-gyp rebuild --target=0.37.2 --arch=x86 --dist-url=

This is what I took from a leveldown issue.


create a project at google developers console and get oauth client id and secret. then put it in the root directory of the project as secrets.json:

    "oauth": {
        "clientId": "<your id>",
        "clientSecret": "<your secret>"

Although right now, there is an issue #25 with were the calendar appears on ubuntu.

Thanks @pendar747! I'm working on removing the leveldown dependency and should have that done tonight.