Requirements ------------ The following packages *MUST* be installed in order for STICK to work: * python 2.6+ * numpy - scipy - matplotlib * python-sparse (pysparse) - FiPy 3.0 * scikits.odes ( Installation ------------ To only build stick: $ python build To install globally $ python install Documentation ------------- See the doc folder. Idea is to use sphinx with rst doc format, see (, so doc builds automatic There are some examples in docs/src/examples (see also the tests for example usage) from an example directory, run the example, eg for : $ python If scikits.odes is not installed, but only buil, and stick only in a git repo, point PYTHONPATH to the directory as needed, eg $PYTHONPATH=/home/benny/git/odes/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/:/home/benny/git/stickproject/ python Tests ----- If stick is installed (or from the top directory of stickproject) $ python -c 'import stick; stick.test()' if scikits.odes is not installed, but only build, point PYTHONPATH to the build directory $ PYTHONPATH=/home/benny/git/odes/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/ python -c 'import stick; stick.test()'