
Primary LanguageSwift

CodePath Group Project - Pulse

Instructions for Beta Testers

  1. Download Xcode 8.1
  2. Clone Pulse repo (git@github.com:AleBiancaIta/Pulse.git)
  3. Checkout the develop branch (for the most up-to-date code) or master branch (for the almost up-to-date code)
  4. Open Pulse.xcworkspace
  5. In Xcode, select device
    • If an iPhone is plugged into your computer, you can select this device (migth require some project configuration)
    • Or select any of iPhone simulators in Xcode
  6. Build and run project (Cmd+R)
  7. Test

Sample User Tasks

(If applicable, please refer to this section only after doing your own testing)

  • Sign up for new Pulse account
    • Preferred: Use actual data (e.g., email, company)
    • Or use Pulse for the company field if you want access to our test data
  • On Dashbaord, manage modules
  • Select all modules or some subset
  • Add new or edit existing team members; can also manage modules on detail page
  • Add new or edit existing meetings (includes Pulse survey); can also delete; can also manage modules on detail page
  • Add new or edit existing TODO items; can also delete or mark as completed


// TODO: Need to rewrite everything below

Pulse is an app to help managers stay on top of the "pulse" of their team. Users can see a summary view of their teams "pulse" via happiness, engagement, and workload factors. Additional functionality allows users to maintain a schedule of their 1:1s, take notes and photos, access their app information using different devices, keep a history of their data, etc.


Here's a picture of the initial wireframe:

Pulse Wireframe

Pulse Wireframe 2

User Stories

The following functionality is completed:

  • Login page


    • User must be able to login using their username and password
    • Link to go to sign up page if user does not have an account
    • [] Link to go to a page to reset password
    • User can skip login and use the app anonymously, locally, without signing up


    • [] User can login using touch ID
  • [] Sign up page


    • User must be able to sign up for an account


    • [] User can sign up using Google or Facebook authentication
    • [] User can add their company to be able to sync up with other users within the company
  • [] Reset password page


    • [] User must be able to reset their password
  • [] Dashboard

    • Home page


      • Contains a setting button - tapping on it should direct user to settings page
      • [] Contains a chart showing the history of the team pulse
      • Contains cards which the user can add, remove, move up, and move down
      • Card configuration should be added to Parse and obtainable with future logged in use cases


      • [] Make the dashboard graphics interactive, for example: user can tap the chart pin to see pulse details
      • [] Make the org chart interactive, for example: user can tap a team member to see their details
      • [] Allow user to see the same information in List view
      • [] Include filters, for example: search by date range
      • [] Contains an org chart showing the pulse with the most recent survey results
    • [] Team module


      • User must be able to see a list of everyone in his/her team
      • [] User must be able to see the team members current status (based on last 1:1)
      • [] User must be able to add, edit and delete their team members
        • User must be able to add and edit their team members
      • Selecting a user should direct user to the employee detail page


      • [] Implement swipe to delete user
      • [] User can customize and edit page (similar to cards in the "today" app), for example: add an Upcoming section, ToDo section, etc.
      • [] Customizable page, for example: add/remove cards
      • [] Set up ToDos due date and get Notifications/reminders when the due date is coming up
  • [] Employee detail page


    • [] Contains employee's current pulse, next and upcoming 1:1s scheduled, manager's ToDos (this is its own module), and 1:1 history
    • [] Next 1:1 date can be entered in text field
    • [] Clicking on 1:1 date should:
      • [] Open a blank page if the note does not exist
      • [] Open a filled in page if the note exists
    • [] User can edit sections, for example: remove old 1:1 history, complete/remove/add ToDo


    • [] User can schedule next 1:1 using calendar date picker and it will send notifications to both user and employee
    • [] Include filters, for example: search by date range
    • Tap to call team member
  • [] 1:1 page


    • [] If note does not exist:
      • Contains the pulse questions with radio buttons (3 options: no, neutral, yes)
      • [] Contains controls to add sections: Notes, Photos, ToDos
    • [] If note exists:
      • [] Must be able to edit historical entries
      • [] Contains controls to edit sections: Notes, Photos, ToDos
    • Clicking on Notes should allow user to enter notes or edit old notes
    • [] Clicking on Photos should open photo picker, allow user to take photos/select existing photos, and save the photo in employee's 1:1 data
    • [] Clicking on ToDos should allow user to add/edit/complete ToDos on a separate page
    • [] Adding ToDos and upcoming meeting in 1:1 notes should sync up to the employee's detail page as well as Team's page


    • [] Ability to add voice memo
    • [] Ability to set up due date and reminder for ToDo
    • [] Calendar integration for due date and meeting schedule
    • [] Ability to set up upcoming 1:1s, for example: frequency
  • [] Settings page


    • Ability to edit own user profile, for example: login and password
    • Contains a logout button - tapping on it should log user out completely and show the login page


    • [] Notifications permissions
    • [] Account integration, for example: Google calendar
    • [] Send tips permissions

Future Expansions/Improvements

  • [] Allowing flexibility in how the 1:1 page is setup (different questions, etc.)
  • [] Periodic managerial tips, for example:
    • [] Reminder to schedule 1:1 if the last one is a week ago and there's no upcoming one scheduled
    • [] Things you can do to improve morale if employee has been unhappy for X number of weeks
  • [] Badges for completing ToDo items, scheduling regular 1:1s, etc.
  • [] Cache data to use app offline
  • [] iPad app
  • [] Add more levels within the company, for example: director (above manager) and CEO (above director)

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

User Stories Sprint 1

GIF created with LiceCap.


Icon made by Retinaicons from [Flaticon]www.flaticon.com


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.


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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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