Akka Whiteboard

What is it?
This is a web application that implements a shared whiteboard using
HTML5 canvas and websockets.  It requires a modern browser that
supports websockets such as Firefox 11, Chrome 16, Safari 6, or IE10.
You can also use it on recent iOS devices using HTML5 touch events.
It's very message-intensive so you should probably run it on a fast
network.  Running over the WAN can be a bit laggy.

Running it
``$ cd akka_whiteboard``
``$ sbt run``

Then point your browser to http://localhost:9000/, or get your IP and
point your tablet/phone to http://<your-ip>:9000/

This application has a liberal use of akka actors.
There is one Master websocket actor acts as a singleton.  It creates a
child websocket actor for every connected client.  The master object
is very simple, and it just broadcasts JsObject messages to each
client.  The client websocket Actors are also very simple, translating
websocket messages in Play's Enumerator/Iteratee interface to/from
Akka messages::
                  +------- |  master  | -----+
                  |        +----+-----+      |
                  |             |       +---------+
             +--------+    +---------+  |  child  |
             |  child |    |  child  |  +---------+
             +--------+    +---------+       |
                 |              |            |
             websocket      websocket    websocket
                 |              |            |
                 v              v            v
            +---------+    +---------+  +---------+
            | browser |    | browser |  | browser |
            +---------+    +---------+  +---------+

On the Javascript side, touch/draw events are put into JSON objects
and sent down the socket.  When the other connected clients receive
these messages, they draw them on the screen.

I've written a few unit tests integrating specs2 with Akka and play to
test the differnet components.  The tests are written with an aim to
be helpful in future projects, not necessarily to be complete for this

Architecture Continued
It might be more simple to forego the Actors and just keep a list of
Enumerator/Iteratee pairs of connected clients, but that ties the
application to a single machine.  The current implementation would be
the simplest way to run on multiple machines (with a few changes).

Websockets are used to keep the javascript code clean and free of
dependencies, since the focus is on the typesafe stack, but a better
solution would be multi-protocol solution using something like

Also there's no real user management or message
verification/authentication, again to keep the code simple.  A more
robust solution would add these layers.